Ilya Briskin
Team management
Evgeniy Potashkin
Author of the idea, IT solutions, communication with government
Alexey Krasovsky
Setting artistic goals
Lev Steinberg
Technical Director
Anna Platonova
Operations Director, work with funds
Daria Volya
Working with artists, working with the media and opinion leaders, producing the project
Lina Godlin
with artists and strategy
Lusine Gevorkyan
Host, communication with musicians
Maxim Rudenko
Video and photo producer
Lev Zilberman
Line producer, videographer
Yulia Krupinina
Art Director
Irina Orenova
Live broadcast director
Sergey Vasiliev
Directing team member
Regina Rice
Providing a site - ReMo photo studio, props manager
Ostap Ostashchenko
Irina Grudzinskaya
Working with opinion leaders
Anna Bokshitskaya
Russian Jewish Congress, fundraising to support Israel in Russia
Marina-Maya Govzman
Shapira Alina
Lilia Ostrovskaya
Event organisation
Maxim Rokach
Content structure specialist at the marathon
Alena Amiton
Artist Communication and Strategy